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Can you guess the word?

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Definitions and synonyms will appear on the screen and you will have to identify which word matches the given hints. Simply select between the two options given. Get as many corrects answers within two minutes. You will earn points for every correct answer you get.

Let the vocabulary game begin!

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Want to monitor your improvement? Login to unlock the full features of the game and enhance your learning progress.

Did you know?

Here are the top 10 most used English words besides function words. They are versatile and can be used in different contexts. If you observe discussions about the world and human existence, you will often hear these words.

  1. Time
  2. Love
  3. Life
  4. People
  5. World
  6. Work
  7. Way
  8. Day
  9. Man
  10. Woman

Do you find yourself constantly using these words too?